The University of the Third Age (U3A) is a world-wide non-profit making movement for mature people. It’s aim is the promotion of activities for enjoyment and personal fulfillment. The first U3A group was in Toulouse, France in 1973 and was open to anyone over retirement age; no qualifications or examinations were required or offered, and fees were kept to a minimum. It provided opportunities for older adults to enjoy a range of activities associated with well-being in later life
U3A Limerick was formed in February 2018 so we are a relatively new group. We usually meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 2.30 pm in our lovely meeting venue in University of Limerick Access Campus, Unit G, LEDP, (Innovation Hub) Roxboro Roundabout, Limerick (opposite Tesco).
At our meetings we have a speaker to address the group on a topic of interest to us, and this is generally a local person, perhaps a professional person with a specific area of expertise, or maybe someone who has an interesting experience or hobby to share with us. Check out ‘EVENTS’ for planned talks. We also organise outings for the group from time to time, to some place of interest in the locality, or perhaps further afield around the country.
We have been enjoying great exercise and relaxation sessions "Limber up with Joan, Relax with Michele" on Zoom every Monday at 10.30 am in the comfort of our homes for nearly three years now. All members will be sent the Zoom link by email as long as these classes are offered to us.
We have a number of sub-groups that paid-up members can choose to join:
- book clubs
- a poetry appreciation group
- a gardening group,
- a walking group
- a music appreciation group
- a conversational French group
- a conversational Irish group
- a conversational Spanish group
- a knitting and textile creativity group
- a series of Dance classes and
- a series of Card Making classes
Some of these sub-groups meet in Limerick City Gallery of Art, Pery Square, others in Limerick City Library, Barrow House, St Michael’s Street. For more information click ‘subgroups’ above. Other sub-groups may be set up in the future to reflect the interests of our members.
No qualifications are sought or offered. Learning is for its own sake, with enjoyment being the prime motive, not qualifications or awards.
To enjoy all the benefits of joining U3A Limerick, you must be a paid up member. The annual membership fee is €20 per person to cover our costs. Membership is from 31st August to 1st September. Membership is currently closed (January to September 2025) and we are creating a Waiting List.
To indicate your interest in becoming a member and be added to the waiting list contact us at