The Leader of this Subgroup is Ferga Grant
The Leader may be contacted at eMail: Phone: 0872219011
Ferga Grant is kindly facilitating another term of Knitting and Textile Creativity Group for paid-up U3A Limerick members to explore all things woolly, weird and wonderful in early 2025.
The group plan to meet for an hour on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10.00 am, commencing 15th January 2025 in an Upstairs Meeting Room, Limerick City Library, Barrow House, Limerick, V94 RF63
With her vast experience and her quirky expertise, Ferga will open our eyes to the possibilities available to knitters and stitchers and the madness to be explored in the colourful, creative world of all things textile.
This group is open to ALL MEMBERS - the ladies, the gentlemen, the experienced and the not-so experienced, the creatively aspirational and the individuals who are more than happy to sit and create in a zen-like manner, the potential heirlooms of the future.
So if you have harboured serious hankerings to get your hands on some fluffy wool and lance-like needles to pursue your creative dreams, then please contact Ferga at Please note that numbers are limited for this working group.