The Leader of this Subgroup is Máire Ní Uaitéir
The Leader may be contacted at Phone: 087 6641432
Máire Ní Uaitéir is facilitating these informal get togethers for paid-up U3A Limerick members who have an interest in improving their Irish language skills.
The group plan to meet every second Friday of a month at 12.15 pm at Limerick City Library, Barrow House, St Michael Street, Limerick V94 RF63. This group reconvened in January 2025 after a break for the Christmas Season.
Is é an cuspóir grúpa comhrá a fhorbairt a mbeidh fáilte roimh chách ann……….the aim is to develop a chat group where everyone is welcome!
If this titillates your fancy, or stirs the long-buried patriotic fires within, then you might like to send Máire a message on 087 6641432 to let her know of your interest in joining Comhrá as Gaeilga gang.